Yearly industry pulse rate check ! - Elmia Subcontractor 2023

The leading arena for knowledge, innovation and the manufacturing industry of the future.

Three days to meet in person ! We will be glad tell you more about services we can offer you as your trusted supplier.

Meet us at stand  B04:104 

Please remember to pre-register your free entrance ticket. No registration takes place on site.

Register here.

It is not mandatory to apply for a visit, but if you have a tight schedule for visiting the exhibition - Do not hesitate to contact us in advance for an appointment !

Just give a message to


Exhibition opening hours at Elmia Subcontractor 2023

Tuesday 14/11/2023                      09.00-17.00

Wednesday 15/11/2023                09.00-17.00

Thursday 16/11/2023                     09.00-16.00